SD (Programming Language)


This documents the inner workings of the SD language: the language paradigms and syntax. Not going into too much detail about implementation.

For in-depth documentation about the language implementation, go to the plain text documentation on the SD repository. Do notice, however, that documents there are not hyperlinked and go into detail about the language stack rather than the language syntax.


  1. Main Paradigm
  2. Running SD
  3. Syntax
    1. Variable assignment
    2. Expression flow
    3. Expression terminator
    4. Functions
    5. Arrays
    6. Expression grouping
    7. Expression casting
    8. Branching
    9. Modules
    10. Stack statement
    11. Qualifiers
    12. Literal Syntax
  4. Keywords
  5. Examples
  6. Modules
  7. Compiling
  8. Embedding

Main paradigm

In the SD programming language, the main paradigm is that objects are treat as being resolved or structured. To SD, an object is just an entry of its object table (which itself is a segment of the process' heap) that contains some raw data and some type metadata. If the data is considered "resolved", that means no further processing may be needed on that piece of data other than referencing and dereferencing. An example of that would be an int, char[], etc.

However, if the data is considered "structured" or "unresolved", its content could be that of an executable, class, type, or any other set of operations (including general AST branches) that don't have a return value yet. That in turn makes the object table a sort of virtual memory for the SD language, with the "resolved" section being the equivalent of the .data section and the "structured" section being the equivalent of the .text section but much more general because the parsing of the source code is done at runtime because the language is interpreted.

Running SD

SD is an interpreted language which means it needs an interpreter to execute its source code, in that sense SD could be used as more of a scripting language like python rather than a general purpose like C or rust. The default interpreter is sd (a symbolic link to sdread) which is a compilation result from make interpreter (see the compilation guide).

A dump of SD's object table can be written to a file and read by sd passing the -s flag. As per convention, SD source code files have .sd as extension and object table dumps called object files have .sdo as extension. SD object files are compiled by sdc, another result of make interpreter.


SD has a unique syntax for a scripting language because:

  1. Its variables are strongly typed.
  2. There is a distinction between variable declaring / initializing and (re)assignment.


To define a variable in SD you follow:

let? <type> <name> : <value> ;

As in:

int year : 2022;
<char> name : "Two Thousand Twenty Two";

The let keyword is optional when defining variables as their type can often be infered by a literal. So int year : 2022; is the same as let year : 2022;. The same is not true for structures, unions or classes. Say there is a structure "Year" that has int number, <char> name fields, to define such variable one could write:

Year year : [ 2022, "Two Thousand Twenty Two" ];
# or
Year year : {
	$number : 2022;
	$name   : "Two Thousand Twenty Two";

Field dereference has syntax similar to a directory path, for instance:

year/@number; # 2022
year/@name;   # "Two Thousand Twenty Two";

As oposed to traditional '.' notation (year.number,

Also, as you might have noticed, the '@' operator is used to dereference variables in SD. By default, if a variable is referenced without the '@' operator, it is passed by path. That is, it is the equivalent of a pass-by-reference instead of a pass-by-value operation.

For instance, in this code:

let year : 2022;
let current_year : year;
let current_year_number : @year;

current_year is an alias to year, so any changes to current_year also change year: they point to the same entry in the object table. In contrast current_year_number holds the value of year: it has a complete separate entry in the object table.

The use of '@' is not needed in expressions other than pass-by-value assignment. For example, the boolean:

let year_is_current_year: year = current_year;

Has the same value of:

let year_is_current_year: @year = @current_year;

Flow control

SD has two tokens designed for flow control:

To make an if or while statement block, it follows this syntax:

# if
<expr> ? {<body>};

# while
<expr> ! {<body>};

SD implements expressions hooks so that if and/or while statements can be tied together if one expression fails. This is the equivalent of an else statement.

For example, the following:

import "std/io" <puts>

let year: 2022;
let unix_epoch: 1970;
let unix_epoch_32b_lim: 2038;

year = unix_epoch ? {
	(puts "Welcome to the begining of time!");

year = unix_epoch_32b_lim ? {
	(puts "Welcome to the end of time!");

? {
	(puts "Time is ticking out...");

Has the equivalent python code:

year = 2022
unix_epoch = 1970
unix_epoch_32b_lim = 2038

if year == unix_epoch:
	print ("Welcome to the begining of time!")
elif year == unix_epoch_32b_lim:
	print ("Welcome to the end of time!")
	print ("Time is ticking out...")

Expression hooks work by making an expression body (the code enclosed by curly braces) not have an expression terminator (the semicolon). In SD, almost all expressions must have an expression terminator. If the don't have one and the expression is not an if or while statement, the compiler (or interpreter) will throw a syntax error.

For example, in this code:

<expr1>? {<body>}
<expr2>? {<body>};
<expr3>? {<body>};

expr2's code will not execute if expr1 is true and expr3's code does not depend on expr1's code to be true to execute.

As for while statements, the same syntax applies. For instance:

(code from Wikipedia)

int a: 128;
int b: 48;

b != 0 !{
	a > b ?
		a: a - b;
		b: b - a;;

sync: @a;

Has the equivalent pseudocode:

a = 128
b = 47

while b != 0:
    if a > b:
        a := a - b
        b := b - a
return a

Also, for always-true if or while statements, the respective token can be used without an expression or the token can be doubled, for instance:

	(puts "I always execute!");;


	(puts "I always execute!");;

Have the same output.

Expression terminator

As you might have noticed from the previous section, expression must be terminated with an expression terminator. However much like C that's not true if the body of an expression is one expression long. In this case the braces that enclose the expression body could be ommited. For instance:

	(puts "I always execute!");;


?? {
	(puts "I always execute!");

Have the same output.

In the case they are ommited, the expression terminator that would go to the expression body enclosure instead compounds with the terminator of the expression inside that enclosure.

That's why one-line if statements that close an expression hook have two semicolons: the first closes the one-line expression and the second closes the hook chain.

while statements can also have a hook expression the same way if statements can. For instance:

import "std/C/io" <printf>;

int a: 10;
int b: 20;

a != 0 ! {
	(printf "Iterating from a: %d", a);
b != 0 ! {
	(printf "Iterating from b: %d", b);

Has the equivalent python code:

a = 10
b = 20
while a != 0:
	print ("Iterating from a: ", a)
	a -= 1
while b != 0:
	print ("Iterating from b: ", b)
	b -= 1


To define a function in SD you follow:

proc? <rettype> <name> : [<args>] { <body> } ;

As in:

int sum : [int a, int b] {
	sync: a + b;

To call a function in SD you follow:

(<name> <args>);

As in:

int sum_2_plus_3: (sum 2, 3);

If a function is a child of an object, the dereference happens before the '()' token. As in:

let MathOperations: {
	int sum : [int a, int b] {
		sync: a + b;
MathOperations/(sum 2, 3);

The proc keyword is optional when defining functions if their return type is explicitly defined. However, unlike variables, SD does not infer the return type of a function, therefore only use bare proc <name> if the function doesn't return anything.

Functions (also called procedures in SD) return a value by using the sync keyword. As functions are structured by default, they double as classes using the new keyword. For example:

import "std/C/io" <printf>;

proc person : [<char> name, int age] {
	proc speak : {
		(printf "Hello, I am %s. I have %d years-old", ../name, ../age);
new person bob : ["Bob", 21];


The same rule about expression terminators also work in procedures: they don't have to have braces if their statement body is one line long.

Function arguments can also be other functions, in which case the syntax for that argument inherits the syntax of the function being passed. For instance, in this example:

import "std/io" <puts>

proc wrap : [proc fn[]] {
	(puts "Hello from wrap");

proc wrap_different_syntax : [void fn[]] {
	(puts "Hello from wrap_different_syntax");

proc fn:
	(puts "Hello from fn");

(wrap fn);
(wrap_different_syntax fn);

wrap and wrap_different_syntax have the same output.

Function arguments may be written without commas (if the context is obvious). For instance, if a variable is not a type and not a hook, the use of commas is completly optional. For example:

int sum : [int a, int b]
	sync: a + b;

(sum 1, 2);


int sum : [int a, int b]
	sync: a + b;

(sum 1 2);

Have the same output.

Functions can also have key arguments. Key arguments are passed the same way they're passed in arrays or objects: using '$' notation.

For example:

int div : [int a, int b]
	sync: a // b;

can be called as

(div $a: 10, $b : 20);


(div $b : 10, $a: 20);

and they'd have different results.

This type of variable passing is called pass-by-faux in SD.

Functions can be passed as lambda using the '[]' notation. Lambda notation follows:

<rettype>? [<args>] { <body> } ;

The only difference from normal function notation being the lack of a name. For instance, in this example:

proc wrap : [int fn[int,int]] {
	int a : 10;
	int b : 20;
	(puts "Hello from wrap");
	(fn @a, @b);
	int [int a, int b] {
		(puts "Hello from lambda");
		(printf "The sum is %d", a + b);

The call to wrap outputs:

Hello from wrap
Hello from lambda
The sum is 30


To define an array in SD you follow:

<<type>> <name> : {<array body>} ;

As in:

<int> unix_epoch_32b_bounds : { 1970, 2038 };

The definition using plain angle braces only works if the array is being initialised as an array literal. If it is so, SD can easily infer the size by just couting how many objects there are. However to initialise a fixed size array you'd follow:

<<type>.<elem count>> <name> ;

As in:

<int.2> unix_epoch_32b_bounds;

This array gets indexed in the object table and gets allocated uninitialized heap or stack space.

To declare a nested array, you can either add another '.' after the first one or after a nested guard. For instance:

<int.2.2> _2x2_matrix;


<<int.2>.2> _2x2_matrix;

Have the same output.

You can also nest them using their guards if the array is being initialised by an array literal, as in:

<<int>> _2x2_matrix : {
	{ 1, 2 },
	{ 3, 4 },

However, if nested using an array literal, the length of the biggest array element per index becomes that index's size. For example:

<<char>> names: {
	"Alice Smith",
	"Bob Martin",

Would be equivalent to <char.12.2>, and the smaller element, "Bob Martin", would have its remaing bytes filled to zero.

That's in contrast to using a referenced array, in which case the elements decay to a pointer, like in C. For instance:

<char> name1 : "Alice Smith";
<char> name2 : "Bob Martin";

<<char>.2> names : {

Has the equivalent C code:

char name1[] = "Alice Smith";
char name2[] = "Bob Martin";

char* names[2] = {

Akin to C, SD does not care if there is an "extra" comma in an initialiser element: <int> array : { 1 } and <int> array : { 1, } result in the same object.

To partially or sporadically initialise an array, you'd use '$' notation with the array element number as the identifier. For example:

<int.2.2> _2x2_matrix;

_2x2_matrix = {
	$0.1 : 2,
	$1.0 : 3,
	$1.1 : 4,
	$0.0 : 1,


<int.2> _2_vec;

_2_vec: {
	$1 : 2,
	$0 : 1,

are all valid SD code.

To index an array, you'd use dot-notation plus dash-notation, as in:

<int> years : {

int _1984 : years/@1;

The '@' sign here means the same thing it means to regular variables. If we don't include it, _1984 would be treated as a pointer to years/1. The elements are 0-indexed.


In SD, grouping means the expression enclosed by group matchers has a bigger precedence than its sibbling's object's expressions. In other languages this is achieved by enclosing the expression with '()', for instance 1+2*3 resolutes to 7 and (1+2)*3 resolutes to 9. In SD this is done using the [] matching tokens. That means that [1+2]*3 would result in 9 in this case.


To cast a variable into another type in SD you follow:

<name>.<type> ;

For example:

int highest_bit_on = 0b80000000;
(print "%d\n%d", highest_bit_on.[signed int], highest_bit_on.[unsigned int]);



Qualified types may be enclosed by '[]'.

Also, for casting qualification of the same type, the type itself can be ommited. For instance, the previous example could've been written like:

int highest_bit_on = 0b80000000;
(print "%d\n%d", highest_bit_on.signed, highest_bit_on.unsigned);

As both their types still are int.

Casts can have a size and a format size be explicitly defined in bytes. As in:

char c : 20;
c.4; # equivalent to


int all_bits_on_in_4bytes: 0xffffffff;
all_bits_on_in_4bytes.<char.4> # equivalent to { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }

The compiler (or interpreter) will do some rounding to fit the machine bit address.

Casts with bigger size get their value pushed close to the least significant bit. For example:

char c;
c : 20;  # 0x14        # 1 byte    # 0x00000014  # 4 bytes

Casts with smaller size truncate the output close to the least significant bit. For example:

int c;
c : 20;  # 0x00000014  # 4 bytes
c.char;  # 0x14        # 1 byte

Casts can be applied to literals.


Compiled SD code (and to some extent interpreted SD code) can make use of branches. They are defined as follows:

branch <name> : { <body> } ;

To jump to a branch use the jump keyword. As in:

proc count_down_to_0 : [int upper_bound] {
	upper_bound > 0 !:
	!jump finish;;
	branch finish:
		(puts "Finished");

However, it is also possible to stack-jump to a branch in SD using the goto keyword, then pop using the ret keyword. For instance, this example:

proc count_down_to_0 : [int upper_bound] {
	upper_bound > 0 !:
		goto finish;
		(puts "Back from goto");
	branch finish: {
		(puts "Finished");


Back from goto

If a branch doesn't have a ret statement, the code continues execution with the expression rigth after the branch. If that branched was jumped into using goto, it will pop the stack but not send the parser to the callee, it will continue executing sequentially.

If jump is used without a name, it will jump to the begining of its parent object or the closest hook it finds, for instance, in this example:

proc guess : {
	int mistery_number : 42;
	int guess;
		guess : (random_int_between 0, 100);
		guess != mistery_number? jump;
		?? end;;

jump will jump to the while loop rather than the guess procedure.

The branch keyword can also hook against conditional hooks using the following syntax:

branch <name> :: <expr> <hook token> { <body> } ;?

For example, in this code:

int a : 42;
int b : 20;
int iter_number: 10;
int _iter_number: @iter_number;

<char> message : ""

branch got_to_42 :: a = b ?{
	(puts "Got it!");

branch overshot :: a < b ?{
	(puts "Overshot!");

branch loop :: _iter_number > 0 !{

? {
	_iter_number: @iter_number;
	jump loop;

we use two if hooks and one while hook within the same hook chain. The node in the hook chain we go to is marked by the branches.

SD also implements object resolution flow, which is similar to plain code flow but focus more on objects themselves. In this example above, we use the end keyword, which ends the resolution of an object or hook. If end is used on data-like objects it will stop parsing and seek for the end of that object. If end is used on text-like objects it will seek for the end of that object.

The end keyword can be used as an alternative to break and the jump as an alternative to continue in other languages.


To define a module in SD you follow:

import "<module file>" <<module object>> ;

As in:

import "std/io" <puts>;

The string after the module keyword represents a file path to the module. If the module is a directory with name dir, said directory must have a file (aka a file with the same name) telling SD how its submodules should export. If there is a '/' character in the import string, the fields before are assumed to be directories and the last field is assumed to be a file.

After finding the file, it is possible to only import a submodule or a single object. To do so, we use the name of the module or object in angle braces after the file path.

The import keyword returns a pointer to the module. The module name can be changed by assigning it to another variable, as in:

let local_module : import "module";

or by using the as keyword, as in:

import "module" as local_module;

The difference between the two is that the first one still has the name module being used by the local_module, as well as local_module, and the second one does not have module as the name of the module but instead local_module.

After a wrapped module has been imported, we can unwrap it with the unwrap keyword. As in:

unwrap import "std/io";

In this case, all functions, objects, branches, etc, of the std/io module get their own entry in the program's object table and the name io does not.

As with every SD object, the module does not scope to their sibblings. To do so, use the scope keyword, as in:

scope import "std/io" <puts>;

proc print_hello:
	(puts "Hello!");

Now puts can be used from any object down its node.

Made by mH.